Hi Galaxy! Sorry for my bad English (Classic mistakes). Your tracks is top! Please say me: No mistakes. (I'm from Russia)
Hi Galaxy! Sorry for my bad English (Classic mistakes). Your tracks is top! Please say me: No mistakes. (I'm from Russia)
Мне до тебя ещё топать и топать! Как ты это делаешь??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ахах, делать кавера очень просто, так как не нужно придумывать мелодию). А так, смотри обучающие видео, пробуй, пытайся, и через кучу фейлов у тебя получится шедевр. Удачи)
Хай, классный метал! Я смотрю тебе выгодно делать такого рода треки. А теперь вопрос можно задать? Вот он: какой программой ползуешься?
Спасибо, Fruity Loops Studio 12
Hi, Colbreakz. I'd like to know more about you. However, I always want to know more. I'm wondering how popular you are and how to get permission to play your tracks in the Geometry Dash game. If you do not want to answer the questions below, I will be left without information. 1 question: where do you live? 2 question what plugins in what music program do you use? 3 q: do you have a partner (s)? If you answered my questions thank you very much )
I see you've been here a while settled well, at least such as Waterflame, Azazel, SpaceUno well, you. Here you can ask a question how did you achieve it? I make music, too, but it's not popular. How did you get to the height?
Just been making music as much as I can and torture my friends with links, sending it everywhere I can think and lately when its been more bearable to my friends, telling them to spam it everywhere they can. It's hard to get noticed just keep grinding.
After a while you become more recognizable to people.
Just be respectful with that 'spamming' so you don't get a bad rep.
Best music!)!)!)
Joined on 2/2/18